COVID-19 Liability Waiver / Disclaimer / Release

COVID-19 Liability Waiver / Disclaimer / Release

Use of 700 Miami Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 30324

December 22, 2021

Gym Box Enterprises (the “Licensor”) hereby grants to Fit360 Total Training (the “Licensee“) license to use the venue at 700 Miami Circle NE, Atlanta, GA 30324 (the “Venue”) between 5am – 10pm on 22 December 2021.

The Licensee agrees to adhere to the following Novus Coronavirus (“COVID-19”) safety protocol and observe and perform the terms and conditions as follows:

Health screening– all attendees will be subject to health screening by the Company including taking temperature and other symptoms assessment prior to entry into the venue.

Face covering– the attendees will wear a mask or face covering at all times when at the venue.

Social Distancing– the attendees will practice social distancing and stay at least 6 feet from other people (except for members of the Customer’s group) whenever possible.

Sanitisation– the Licensee will disinfect and clean the Venue, with more frequent cleaning of high touch surfaces.

Assumption of risk— the Licensee is aware of the inherent risk relating to the use of the venue for public gatherings and is willing to take the risk.

Liability Release– the Licensee hereby releases the Licensor from all liability in relation to the use of the Venue for public gathering.

The Licensee will require the following declaration from each of the attendees prior to entry to the Venue:

No Symptoms– the attendee does not have and have not had in the past 14 days any of the following symptoms – fever, malaise, dry cough, shortness of breath, or other flu-like symptoms.

No Travel– the attendee has not been out of Georgia in the past 14 days.

No Contact– the attendee has not been in close contact with any person who has travelled outside of Georgia or with any person who is a confirmed or preliminary positive case of COVID-19 infection in the past 14 days.

Assumption of risk— the attendee is aware of the inherent risk of COVID-19 at the venue and is willing to take the risk.

Covenant not to sue— the attendee promises not to sue the Licensor should he /she be infected with COVID-19 at the Venue.

Waiver of liability— the attendee waives the right to hold the Licensor liable for any COVID-19 infection.

Indemnification — the attendee will indemnify the Licensor for any claims against the Licensor relating to the use of the venue by the attendee and its family.

Responsibility for Others– the attendee understands that it is also responsible for the declaration of the attendee’s guests and family members.

Confirmation– the attendee confirms that the above information is accurate to his / her best knowledge, and agrees that such information will be processed and used in accordance with the Company’s Privacy Policy Statement.